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With great success & satisfaction,

please note that this event has passed. 

The next event will be posted shortly,

so do check back. ;) 
Thank you ~


You're invited! 

The Dragon Ladies launch at  Sort Concept Store

Dve vášnivé milovníčky jedla a kulinárky Dada & Maruška (Manj) Vás pozývajú na večeru, ktorú pre Vás v túto prvú - historickú chvíľu spoločne pripravia pod novou značkou THE DRAGON LADIES.



Večerou sa budú prelínať chute Izraela, Maroka, Indie s im vlastným prevedením.

Večera bude prebiehať čiastočne organizovaným podávaním chodov, ako aj výberom jedál podľa vlastného výberu - na svoje si prídu vegetariáni, vegáni, ako aj pre milovníci mäsa.


Atmosféru večera dotvorí DJ-ka Caviar.


Cena na osobu je 21 Eur, zahŕňa jedlo.


Nápoje nie sú súčasťou ceny.


Počet miest je obmedzený.

Platia len rezervácie a platby vopred.


V prípade záumu ma kontaktujte kvôli zaslaniu údajov na platbu.

Tešíme sa na Vás 



Piatok 16. marca

o 19.00 hod.

v SORT concept store

na Dunajskej 48.

Dada ~  

Manj ~ 

With an incredible passion for food and cooking, Dada & Maruska (Manj), join forces to invite you to dinner.

It would be our honor and pleasure to have you attend, for what is an historical first, serving you under their new brand: The Dragon Ladies.


Visually and in taste, you will recognize hints of Israel, Morocco and India fused and intertwined in creative ways to tantalize and surprise your palate,


The evening will be presented with different courses throughout, with a delicious compilation of dishes for the heartiest meatlovers, vegetarians and also those who choose soley plant-based fare; vegans.


To add to the mood of food, we have the lovely DJ Caviar, creating the perfect atmosphere to dine and unwind.


The event takes place on Friday, 16 March

7pm @ SORT Concept Store

on Dunajskej 48.


Cost per person is €21

There is a selection of beverages  (not included in price).


Number of seats are limited hence a reservation with advanced

payment is requested. 

Bookings can be placed and paid directly through Dada ~  

or Manj ~


We look forward to You ☺



♥ ☮ ∞

Past Events:

The Dragon Ladies 

launch at 

Sort Concept Store

How it all began 



The Dragon


In what can only be described as the most cosmic of reunions, these two dragons share a connection which stems from the centre of their being: their absolute love of food, cooking, and all things delicious....

© 2024-​ Manj. I Am

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