Still in my creative flow outside the kitchen, fast food came about again, and I do love soup.
This one, much the same as my last post, though,
minus the peas
with rice noodles &
with a delicious garnish made of black sesame seeds, crushed & pan toasted peanuts, tamari, nooch, and nori flakes.
as is obvious, the whole thing was blitzed (and in my eagerness to get back to designing, fast food became "slow down kid," as I flicked the wrong switch on the blender, with soup ending up e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. Got the message, Universe.
Usually it's a party in my mouth but this...Oh God, this was divine- Heaven in my mouth- well worth the slow down.
Please, play with your food, even if it's a grilled cheese sandwich- even that can go from an average meal to fine food - trust me 😉.
A wonderful weekend to you.
♥ ☮∞