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A Simple & Delicious (Wheatfree) Cracker Recipe

Chickpeas & Oats - Who'd Have Thought...?

I made these with the kidsters from the nursery, and oh what fun we had. If they could stomach them (happily), then they're a winner. In any case, I surely think they're a winner. Simple, delicious, and so versatile.

You'll need:

1 can (400g) drained chick peas

1 Cup rolled oats

2 cloves garlic

1 Tbsp lemon juice


1/4 Cup olive oil


Preheat oven to 180C

Place oats in a food processor, and roughly grind (not to flour, rather with some nubbly bits).

Add chickpeas, and blend till smooth.

Add the rest of the ingredients until all are happily in union.

Place your dough on parchment paper, and flatten out with your hands.

Place another piece of parchment on top, and roll out with rolling pin (or wine bottle if you don't have one, though any bottle will do). You're looking for a uniform thickness of about a quarter of an inch or half a cm. Too thin bakes faster, which you could do should you prefer.

Slice up you dough into desired cracker sized bits, poke with a fork.

Place the whole thing on a tray, and bake for 40-50mins. Promise, they'll be well worth the wait.

In the mean time, you could make yourself some hummus, or guacamole, or (plant-based) mayo, or whatever you fancy to top these lovelies with. Enjoy ;D

PS: I would love to give thanks and appreciation to Stacey, of "My Kids Lick The Bowl," from where I share this recipe. Thanks Stacey! :)


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